©2007 Richard Murray
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Techno Stuff: 7/29/07 ATK-16hr, Megrez 80mm APO at F/6, mounted on LX90 8" SCT, Halpha 6nm 160 minutes total with 20 min subs no binning, Autoguided with Atk-2hs and Guidedog from LX90, No Darks, Processed with CCDStack Photoshop CS2 PixInsight
Notes: Just as most emission nebula in the Milky way emit prodigious amounts of energy in the Halpha range, there is no reason why emisson nebula in the Andromeda Galaxy shouldn't as well. So I spent the night imaging M31 using an Halpha filter to see if I could find a few. And there they are, sprinkled throughout the sprial arms.
The one which I've highlighted is a dead ringer for NGC2359 Thor's Helmet. Imagine an alien amatuer astronomer imaging such a giant emission nebula as this! (I sure would like to know what kind of astronomy equipment he, she, it is using) :>))