Friday, April 14, 2006

M3 Globular Cluster

©2006 Richard Murray

Techno Stuff: 3/29/05, LX90 8" SCT, ATK-2HS, Taurus Mini Tracker, Guided, Baader IR, Darks Used, 5fps, 24 x 35 secs, Brightness 50%, Gamma 80%,Sat 50% Gain 75%, White Balance nothing selected, Processed in K3ccdTools, Registax 3, Photoshop, Loreal

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Saturn's Moon 'Best Bet For Life'

That is the view of a senior scientist working on the Cassini spacecraft, which has been studying Saturn and its moons for nearly two years. Dr. Bob Brown told a major conference in Vienna, Austria, Enceladus contains simple organic molecules, water and heat, the ingredients for life.

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