Saturday, April 29, 2006


This is what it looked like in my obseratory at 3:00am on the morning of 4/24/06.

My planetarium program is synced perfectly with the telescope, the Sunflower Galaxy is dead center in K3CCDTools and Guidedog is locked on and tracking its guide star.

At this point in time I am either at one with the universe or at one with my machines and probably both. :>)

©2006 Richard Murray

Friday, April 28, 2006

M94 Spiral Galaxy

©2006 Richard Murray

Techno Stuff: 4/28/06, LX90 8" SCT, ATK-2HS, Taurus Mini Tracker, Baader IR, Used 2 focal reducers in tandum - a Taurus .50 and a Mogg .60, Manually Guided with Guidedog, Darks Used, 5fps, 41 Images at 53 secs each, 55% gain, Brightness 50%, Gamma 20%,Sat 50%, White Balance nothing selected, Processed in K3ccdTools, Registax 3, Photoshop and PixInsight.

Monday, April 24, 2006

M63 Sunflower Galaxy Widefield & Closeup

©2006 Richard Murray

Techno Stuff: 4/24/06, LX90 8" SCT, ATK-2HS, Taurus Mini Tracker, Baader IR, Used 2 focal reducers in tandum - a Taurus .50 and a Mogg .60, Guided with Guidedog, No Darks, 5fps, 24 Images with various exposures and gain levels the best of which seemed to be 40 secs at 80% gain, Brightness 50%, Gamma 20%,Sat 50%, White Balance nothing selected, Processed in K3ccdTools, Registax 3, Photoshop, Loreal and PixInsight.