©2008 Richard MurrayFull Size Image
Notes: This is an emission nebula in the constellation Perseus. The nebulas glow is caused by hot gas plasma that is excited by embedded energetic young stars including the central star, BD+50 886 (mag 11.2) which is responsible for the brightest area with it's own blister nebula and glowing columns of gas.
The color palette used for this image was: OIII Red, SII Green, Ha Blue. This gives the image some unusual colors but helps to show how dynamic and active this region really is.
Imaging with narrowband is sometimes like looking at an object from an aliens perspecive whose eyes don't perceive colors the way we do but whose vision may in some ways be superior to our own.
Date(s): 10-8, and 10-12-08
Object: NGC 1491 Emission Nebula in Perseus
Telescope: Megrez 80mm APO, WO 0.8 FR/FF
Mount: LX90
Camera: Atik 16hr
Guiding: Lx90 8" SCT, DSI Pro, Phd Guiding
Filters: Ha 6nm, OIII 15nm, SII 14nm
Exposure: 9 hrs total, Ha 10x30 mins, OIII 6x20 mins, SII 6x20 mins, Binning 1x1
Processing: CCDStack, Photoshop CS2, PixInsight
Location: Burke Ave. Observatory, Three Rivers, Michigan
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